
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Just a mom

This being my first blog post and all, I feel like I should make it a bit interesting. Problem with that is, I'm not terribly interesting. Oh sure, I have 2 kids, and they're full of stories since they're 2 years and 4 months old. I'm also a Navy wife, which come with a lot of its own stories.  And for me, God will always come first, my family second, and coupons third. That's basically the order of my life.  Somewhere in the list cleaning comes in, or at least I think it should...

So, now that you know a little bit about me, except my name, you probably want to know that...I'm Lyla by the's hoping you'll stick around. I'll probably post a lot of deals here, and little ways to make money around the interwebz (yes, it really can be done without pyramid schemes!), and maybe even toss in a little story of my life on occasion.  In the words of my two year old, "Les do it!" and "I cant wait!"


Anonymous said...

you have beautiful children :)

Lyla said...

Thanks :) They have to be cute, wait until I start posting stories about some of the stuff they pull!